The Live Vibrant Sisterhood is NOW calling women who seek to rediscover the lost parts of herself. To fall in LOVE ❀️ with LIFE again. The journey begins on February 5th, 2024! 

Click here to see if this feels right for you.

Live Vibrant Live: 8 Weeks to Amp Up Your Life! {Winter 2024 Edition} PRESALE

Find FREEDOM from Trauma 🤍
Trust Your Intuitive Voice
Be the Woman You Were Born to Be!

If you’re tired of not feeling like the woman you know you were born to be, let’s talk. 

If you have experienced trauma, it’s common to feel disconnected from the woman you used to be. Maybe you have this overall sense of “this isn’t me” that feels like a heavy burden to bear. 

Waking up everyday wondering “when will I feel like myself again?” 

When I originally created Live Vibrant back in 2018, I was living in California in what I call my golden years of life, living in the promised land that I longed to live for so many years of my life. I finally met the man I call my angel 😇 and my soulmate, got married here at a gorgeous winery in Russian River Valley, and started my entrepreneurial path and business with wild success. 

I feared leaving this place, knowing that this could all fall away at any moment, and the VIBRANT life I created could crumble like the Tower card in a Tarot deck. 

And in fact, it did.

I moved back to Florida in 2019 to be closer to my family, bought our first home and 6 months later, the pandemic struck the world, but within me, my world 🌎 unearthed and felt incredibly unsafe, leading me to a deep depression and fragile mental state for years that eventually let to a breakdown and chronic condition in 2022. 

My whole world was shattered with what they call the “invisible illness” that no one can see from how I appeared to the world but I felt dead inside. 

Completely frozen from the woman I used to know, and not knowing how to find my way back home to her. 🩵 Did she even still exist, or was this a memory from my distant past? 

If you’re feeling any of this, YOU KNOW. 

You know how it feels to slowly feel the fog lifting as you heal, but fear relapsing and not having the energy again to get through your day. Or even get out of bed. 

You know what these glimmers of hope feel like, wondering will this last? Is it safe to know I deserve this? 

You know what it’s like to keep seeing signs from the Universe, but doubting that you know the way forward. 

But you FEEL it…the urge inside you that you were MADE FOR MORE.

YOU KNOW you were destined for something greater than the heaviness that is holding you back. Seeing more and more everyday that these nudges are the Universe’s way of saying YES to you. 

YOU know you are destined to live a VIBRANT life. 

Click here to join the Sisterhood if you feel called ✨

Maybe everything you’ve experienced to this point is EXACTLY what you needed to RISE above your RUINS. 

To know that everything you have been through is a gift to show you that you are resilient, that you can overcome the darkest of days, and come out the other side basking in the rainbow 🌈 aura of a more VIBRANT way of living free of the pains of the past. 

To feel hope that there is a way out of your crippling anxiety, days of depression, or symptoms of chronic illness that have left you feeling hopeless that anyone can help you. 

To know that the Universe has gifted you this challenge to show you that you can handle this. 

The Universe never gives you more than you can handle, and maybe, just maybe, THIS heavy time in your life was destined to show you that YOU ARE THE HEALER you were seeking all along. 

That you ALWAYS had the power. 

That you + the Universe are co-creators in the divine dance to transcend ABOVE the ordinary.

To dive deeper into the realms of extraordinary possibilities for your higher self to evolve. 

This is your opportunity for REBIRTH. 

The Live Vibrant Sisterhood is calling women who seek to reignite the feminine within, to soften in surrender, and reawaken your Soul signature to rediscover the lost parts of yourself.

To fall into your feminine, and give her permission to guide you in a way that feels so comforting to your Soul. To trust you know the way without needing constant validation from the world. 

To RISE AGAIN after a period of darkness that has kept you stuck in survival mode. 

To have the courage to speak UP instead of staying safe in silence. Like finally having the cahones to share what you want on social media without fear of what family and friends may think, or speaking up to your controlling mother in law! (or THAT family member that’s always pushing your buttons!)

To trust your inner voice, and learn how to TRUST your choices. You can finally stop second guessing every decision you make and overthinking everything! 

To stand TALL in your truth. Being unapologetically yourself and stop the energetic drain of trying to please everyone at the expense of your own time, energy + sanity! 

To FEEL CRYSTAL CLEAR independent of society’s standards. It’s time to end the mind f**k of wondering why you always feel like a misfit, and begin to finally show yourself MAD love and compassion as you are, while attracting aligned energies that feel like sweet honey to your Soul. 

To RELEASE repressed emotions that are keeping you stuck in spirals. To finally FEEL your feelings instead of stuffing them down, literally “eating your emotions” to the point of exhaustion, or even worse, physical manifestation of dis-ease in your body through chronic conditions. (This was my story!) 

To HEAL past trauma wounds from the inside out. Learn what it feels like to finally have freedom from the traumas that keep you stuck in safety, and make you feel outside of your own skin. Know what it feels like to feel SAFE in your body and live again as YOU. 

To KNOW yourself like never before. As the great Lao Tzu once said, Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom."

In the Live Vibrant Sisterhood, you will finally FEEL magnetic to attract abundance, aligned relationships, vibrant health, and an unapologetic presence of peace + inner power where your gut instinct is to say YES to yourself. 

And most importantly, To KNOW you are never alone.

Life was meant to be lived in a community with souls who get you. I get you because I am you. 

Trust you have been guided to this page for a reason. 

Trust the voice inside of you, click here to join ✨

Cosmically, 2024 is a year of karmic closure, and a divine time to harness the tools here to help you elevate beyond the karmic ties and find emotional freedom (from trauma, chronic pain, depression, etc!). 

We have all been through SO much, this is your sacred space to heal and just let it all GO with grace, self compassion and unconditional love for yourself 💗

The next round starts on February 5th, 2024!

What are past students saying?

9 Modules

Week One: Your Authentic Spirit + Uncovering your POWER

To uncover the TRUE you. The version of you that resembles your childlike spirit, but somehow life reshaped you in the lady you have become today.

But where is the little girl inside you? The free spirit who moved gracefully through life without a care in the world! The little girl who believed she could, so she did.

Week Two: Releasing Toxicity + Rewriting Your Story

In this week's module, you will have an opportunity to release scarce energy + invite ABUNDANT energy as you continue on this journey of self-discovery and exploration.

You will begin by diving deeper into the awareness you sparked in Week One.

Week Three: Healing Your Soul With Self-Love

We'll go beyond the bubble baths + pedicures this week to discover how to LOVE YOURSELF at the Soul level to achieve true enlightenment and inner peace.

Then, you'll have some fun crafting your own daily self-love rituals with a simple 10 minute commitment to yourself!

Week Four: REVIVE Your Body Through Food

What is your relationship with food?

Did you realize that what you put in your body is connected to your energy levels, stress + anxiety response, and even HOW YOU SLEEP?

This week, we'll take a deeper look at the hidden truths behind nutrition, and finally uncover the REALITY of how what you eat is connected to EVERYTHING that you do...

Week Five: Restorative Sleep

Week 5 is all about getting your precious ZZZ's....and SO MUCH MORE!

Sleep is much more intricate than you may think, and this week, I really want you to stay open and curious as to how SLEEP is the spark that fuels everything else in your life...your choices, your health + wellness, your stress levels, even your relationships and career are a product of how you RESTORE your mind + body after a day of running on empty!

Week Six: Managing Stress Through Mindfulness

Week 6 - Managing Stress Through Mindfulness, a week dedicated to releasing your stress!

This week, you will take a deeper dive into what causes your daily stress, and how it's all connected to your ENERGY levels!

Week Seven: Ancient Practices for Energy Flow

Week 7 you will continue to DESTRESS through Energy Flow practices used by the world's wisdom traditions for centuries!

Somehow, the Western world has been behind the times (reverting even backwards as of late!) - focusing on all that you need to DO, instead of all you need to BE.

Week Eight: Spiritual Rituals for Living With Intention + Mastering Your VIBRANT!

The Final Week on this gorgeous journey towards living a more VIBRANT life!

This week, you will have an opportunity to dive into the unknown and learn some spiritual tools to help you ELEVATE yourself to a higher vibration and tie in this immersive experience with Samadhi, the merging into one.

Modules for this product 9

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